115 Heart Drive
NC 27834
The North Carolina Planned Giving Council is pleased to present
“Planned Giving 101”
a new seminar hosted by NCPGC & East Carolina University on Thursday, July 20, 2017, at the East Carolina Heart Institute, located at 115 Heart Drive, Greenville, NC 27834, from 10:25am until 2:30pm, with an optional Q&A session from 2:30pm until 3:00pm. Box lunches will be provided. The cost of this seminar is $25.00 per attendee. Parking instructions will be provided.
10:25am – 10:30am Welcome
10:30am – Noon Basics of Bequests & Beneficiary Designations
Noon – 1:00pm Box Lunch & Networking
1:00pm – 2:30pm Basics of Gift Annuities, Remainder Trusts, & Gifts of Remainder Interests
2:30pm – 3:00pm Optional Q&A Session & Wrap-up
This seminar will focus on the “basics.” Attendees will learn – or review:
- the features & benefits of each popular “deferred giving” plan in use today,
- when to propose such a plan to a prospect,
- how to present such a plan, and
- the best practices for documenting a completed plan.
Handouts will include sample informational “flyers” for gift officers & prospects, sample diagrams & flow charts, and sample documentation forms.
Your presenters will be:
Greg Abeyounis, CFRE
Associate Vice Chancellor for Development
East Carolina University
Beth Boney Jenkins
Vice President for Development
North Carolina Community Foundation
Lee Knight, JD
Director of Planned Giving
University of North Carolina Wilmington
More about the Planned Giving 101 program:
This seminar is designed for all nonprofits in eastern North Carolina (including colleges – private, public, or community colleges) that would like to raise more money by beginning or running a planned giving program in a small development shop. You will learn the basics of the three simple planned gifts that make up 85%+ of all planned gifts. And, there will be a basic overview of charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and other gift vehicles.
You will benefit if you are in a small shop for charitable gift planning, a gift officer with partial responsibility for this area, or are interested in creating a program from the beginning. You will receive: three hours of seminar time, one hour lunch for networking, and 30-minute Q&A session.
Please join us to learn how important these gifts are to raising more money as a part of a comprehensive giving program.